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kv roing co- curricular secondary Download (104.54 KB) pdf
co-curricular Download (107.59 KB) pdf
Co-Curricular Date CCA Event Section
01. 20/04/2018 house meet ( identification of talent ) primary
02. 27/04/2018 house board decoration primary
03. 05/04/2018 drawing competition primary
04. 22/6/2018 english story telling primary
05. 29/6/2018 action song competition primary
06. 07/06/2018 house meet primary
07. 13/07/2018 hindi story telling primary
08. 20/07/2018 poster making primary
09. 27/7/2018 display board primary
10. 08/03/2018 shlok uccharan competition primary
11. 08/10/2018 solo dance competition primary
12. 17/8/2018 essay writing competition ( english ) primary
13. 24/08/2018 memory game primary
14. 31/08/2018 poem competition (hindi ) primary
15. 09/07/2018 flower making competition primary
16. 14/9/2018 solo song competition primary
17. 28/09/2018 fency dress competition primary
18. 10/12/2018 hindi speech competition primary
19. 10/12/2018 hindi speech competition primary
20. 26/10/2018 house meet primary
21. 11/02/2018 action song competition primary
22. 16/11/2018 quiz competition ( math ) primary
23. 30/11/2018 essay writing competition ( hindi ) primary
24. 12/07/2018 skit competition primary
25. 14/12/2018 poem competition ( english ) primary
26. 21/12/2018 drawing competition primary
27. 18/01/2019 english story telling primary date cca event section
1 20/04/2018 house meet ( identification of talent ) secondary
2 27/04/2018 drawing competition secondary
3 05/05/2018 house board decoration secondary
4 22/06/2018 english calligraphy secondary
5 29/06/2018 house meet secondary
6 07/06/2018 hindi recitation secondary
7 13/07/2018 display board secondary
8 20/07/2018 solo song competition secondary
9 27/7/2018 english recitation secondary
10 08/03/2018 sports activity secondary
11 08/10/2018 skit competition secondary
12 17/8/2018 solo dance competition secondary
13 24/08/2018 wonder from waste secondary
14 31/8/2018 house meet secondary
15 09/07/2018 flower arrangement secondary
16 14/9/2018 english story telling secondary
17 28/09/2018 quiz competition ( science ) secondary
18 10/05/2018 drawing competition secondary
19 10/12/2018 hindi shlok competition secondary
20 26/10/2018 hindi icalligraphy secondary
21 11/02/2018 english speech secondary
22 16/11/2018 rangoli competition secondary
23 30/11/2018 fency dress competition secondary
24 12/07/2018 hindi speech competition secondary
25 14/12/2018 quiz competition ( math ) secondary
26 21/12/2018 essay writing competition ( hindi ) secondary
27 18/01/2019 quiz competition ( sst ) secondary